Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Urban Climbing

Hey guys it has been a great semester and I am bummed I did not get to meet with anyone personally as that would have been cool. None the less my post will be about urban climbing. This can range from a variety of different obstacles and challenges that a climber can put on themselves. This is not typical of rock climbers to partake in but it can be fun if you are stuck in a city with nowhere to climb or train. Some people may refer to this as parkour and I can see why but the style in parkour is much different from actual rock climbing. Some examples I can give you of climbing in cities are: climbing up drains/pipes, trees, and walls with holds can pose a nice challenge as well. Here in Hawai'i during my adventures I have found many awesome trees to climb with overhanging roots and sometimes small cliff faces that are not to dangerous. The Banyan trees are my favorite to climb here when I get the chance. It is a much different feeling to climb a tree and involves, if you remember from an earlier post I talked about pinches. Tree branches and roots resemble these a lot and often make for good grips. Have a great Winter Break guys!

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